When it comes to removing a baby tooth, you’re all too familiar with the tooth tied to a string technique. Have you considered maybe that isn’t the most effective or safest way to pull out a baby tooth? Before you look around for more DIY tricks, a pediatric dentist in Naperville shares 5 safe methods to pull out your child’s baby tooth.
Brushing and Flossing
Not only is brushing and flossing good for keeping your child’s teeth healthy and clean, but it can also help to push a loose tooth out. The movement of the toothbrush can cause the tooth to move in a way that will have it pop right out of the socket.
Wiggle It Out
If your child’s tooth is loose, that is a great sign that it’s either ready or close to being ready to come out. One way to remove the tooth is to have your child gently begin to wiggle it. Moving the tooth back and forth with either their tongue or a clean finger can cause the tooth to loosen even further and eventually fall out.
Let Food Do the Trick
Parents have been known to give their children something crunchy like an apple to help remove loose teeth. Oftentimes, biting into the apple itself will cause the tooth to break free. If your child pulls the apple back to see their tooth sticking out of the apple, we suggest grabbing your camera for this memorable moment!
Twist and Pull
Sometimes, if your child has tried wiggling the tooth or even brushing and flossing it out, the darn thing just won’t detach. If that’s the case, a gentle twisting of the tooth can cause it to pop out. If you’d rather not take the chance of transferring any bacteria from your hands (or their hands) to the mouth, using a tissue or gauze can provide a barrier between the skin and the tooth, making it for a painless, easy, and clean method.
Dentist Intervention
If all else fails, and the tooth is too stubborn to let go, you can always take your child to see a children’s dentist in Naperville to have it removed. They will be able to remove it without any problem at all.
Remember, just because a tooth is loose doesn’t mean it should come out right away. If you or your child pull out a tooth that’s not quite ready to leave its socket, it can leave their gums open and vulnerable to infection. Also, allow your children to remove their own tooth, if possible. They have a better grasp of what hurts and what doesn’t and may be able to better gauge if the tooth is, in fact, ready to come out.
If once the tooth is removed your child experiences bleeding or pain, contact a dentist for kids in Naperville immediately.
About the Author
Dr. Asim Awan earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Illinois-College of Dentistry before completing a General Practice Residency in the Department of Oral Surgery at Indiana University. He and his team at Tic Tac Tooth Pediatric Dentistry, have spent years training and educating themselves on how to help children improve their oral health. Their kid-friendly environment makes it easy and inviting for kids of all ages to come in and experience a calm, happy, and relaxed visit. To learn more about Dr. Awan and the services offered, contact us via our website or by calling (630) 995-3393.