The outer layer of the teeth, called enamel, is incredibly strong; in fact, diamonds are one of the only things tougher than it! However, even though enamel can potentially last a lifetime, it can’t repair itself after being damaged. This means that, once your child’s baby teeth have been replaced by their permanent ones, that’s all of the enamel they’ve got. It’s crucial to take the right steps to preserve your little one’s tooth enamel for as long as possible. Read on for some helpful tips from a pediatric dentist in Naperville, IL!
Why Is Tooth Enamel So Strong?
Enamel can withstand decades of daily pressure from chewing, and a 2019 study published in the journal Nature Communications uncovered the primary reason why. Enamel is made up of microscopic rods that contain hydroxyapatite crystals. With state-of-the-art imaging technology, researchers observed these crystals while simulating the forces enamel would undergo while a person chews. They found that the crystals actually deflected damage-related cracks, preventing them from spreading. This would explain why enamel is so remarkably durable.
How Tooth Enamel Can Be Damaged
Despite its impressive strength, enamel can still be permanently damaged if it isn’t well cared for. Some of the most common reasons for enamel damage are:
- Brushing the teeth too forcefully.
- Not brushing the teeth at all.
- Not flossing.
- Chronic teeth grinding and/or jaw clenching.
- Overconsumption of sugary or acidic foods and drinks.
- Injury to the teeth.
- Chewing on hard, non-food objects like pencils, ice cubes, or fingernails.
Tips for Preserving Your Child’s Smile
Since your child’s tooth enamel cannot grow back, you’ll need to teach them proactive methods for keeping the enamel they have in great condition. This includes making sure that your son or daughter:
- Brushes their teeth for two full minutes twice a day.
- Is very gentle when brushing their teeth.
- Uses a toothpaste with fluoride, a vital mineral that strengthens enamel and lowers the risk of cavities.
- Flosses at least once a day to clean the spaces between their teeth.
- Doesn’t eat too many high-sugar foods.
- Gets plenty of calcium, which encourages strong bones and teeth.
- Visits their pediatric dentist twice a year for routine checkups and cleanings.
As strong as tooth enamel is, it needs protection in order to stand the test of time. By helping your child develop healthy oral habits, you can encourage their permanent teeth to remain strong and beautiful as they grow up and for many years or decades to come!
About the Author
Our team at Tic Tac Tooth Pediatric Dentistry is led by not one, but four highly skilled dentists who have specialized in caring for children’s growing smiles. We focus on helping kids stay comfortable at all times, and we also emphasize a preventive approach to oral health. If you’d like to schedule an appointment for your child or learn more tips for caring for their smile, you can contact us by calling 630-995-3393.