Do you have a teenager? It’s likely that they’ve already reminded you several times that they’re not a child anymore! However, just because they’re a little bit closer to adulthood doesn’t mean that their teeth and jaws have stopped growing. A pediatric dentist for teens has all the specialized training and experience needed to anticipate and treat the unique oral healthcare needs of teenagers as their smiles finish developing. Here are four great reasons why your teenager should visit a pediatric dentist!
(more…)4 Reasons for Your Teen to Visit a Pediatric Dentist
April 28, 2021
Everything You Need to Know About Baby Teeth
March 30, 2021
From their first gummy grin to their senior photos, your little one’s smile undergoes quite the transformation throughout the years. It’s natural to feel some anxiety over how exactly to care for your child’s teeth and gums, especially if you are a first-time parent. That’s why we are sharing four must-know facts about baby teeth! Keep reading to learn what they are.
(more…)Wondering If Kids Can Get Gum Disease? Here’s the Answer!
February 27, 2021
Gum disease, also referred to as gingivitis, is a bacterial infection that destroys the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. In the early stages, it can cause red, puffy gums. In the later phases, however, it can lead to tooth loss. Currently, roughly 50% of American adults are struggling with this serious dental concern, but can kids be affected as well? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Keep reading to learn about the risk-factors, symptoms to look out for, and prevention tactics to protect your favorite smile!
(more…)How to Optimize Your Child’s Dental Insurance Coverage Before the End of the Year
November 19, 2020
Your child’s routine checkups and cleanings play a crucial role in the health of their smile. However, since exams alone can cost upwards of $300, these routine appointments add up quickly. Fortunately, that’s where children’s dental insurance coverage comes in! Here’s how to get the most out of their benefits while making sure that their mouth remains healthy into the new year.
(more…)5 Ways to Make Losing Baby Teeth Less Scary for Your Child
October 13, 2020
For most kids, losing baby teeth is an exciting rite of passage that means they’re growing up. However, for some children, the idea of having a tooth fall out is scary and traumatic. While this isn’t an unusual reaction, you can help make this normal process less anxiety-inducing and more fun with a few simple tips! Read on as your Naperville dentist shares five ways to make losing baby teeth less scary for your son or daughter!
(more…)Are Dental X-Rays Safe for Kids?
September 27, 2020
As a parent, you undoubtedly do everything you can to keep your son or daughter healthy. So when your dentist recommends that your little one has dental x-rays taken, you may find yourself wondering just how safe this step is. However, you can rest assured knowing that modern dental X-rays are safer than ever before. Read on to learn more about this important tool for your child’s growing smile.
How to Teach Your Kids About Oral Health While Homeschooling
August 4, 2020
Many families are trying to get used to this strange new way of doing things. One big difference that has come about in the last few months is homeschooling. More and more children are participating in distant learning from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Out of all of the different subjects that they are learning about, the health of their smile should certainly be one of them. Continue reading for some methods of teaching and resources on oral health for kids.
Dental Appointments During COVID-19: Fun Ways to Prepare Your Child
July 30, 2020
Visiting the dentist is different during the COVID-19 crisis, which is why it’s important to prepare your child beforehand, so they don’t become nervous, anxious, or scared. Their kid’s dentist in Naperville is taking additional precautionary safety measures to prioritize their health, which means that the regular routine that they’re used to has changed. In order to reduce any anxiety or fear that they may feel from all of the changes in their routine, here are a few fun ways to prepare them for what they can expect. (more…)
Fun Ways to Greet Your Children’s Dentist Without Making Contact
May 20, 2020
Despite dental offices opening back up, your kid’s dentist in Naperville, IL is still fully aware that COVID-19 is a threat. Because of that, they’re making sure that extra precautionary measures are being taken to ensure patients’ health and safety. Although they’ll be so excited to see you and your child, hugs and handshakes will no longer be allowed in an effort to keep your child’s appointment as contact-free as possible. That means that you’ll get to come up with fun, new ways to greet your dental staff. Read on to learn about how this safety precaution keeps you and your child’s health in mind. (more…)
Kids Stuck at Home? 8 Ways to Keep Their Smiles Healthy
April 16, 2020
Practicing social distancing is the best way to keep you and your family healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it can be easy for your son or daughter to forget about taking care of their oral health while they’re stuck inside without their normal routine. The last thing you need is for your child to develop a cavity while the world is on lockdown! Your kid’s dentist in Naperville, IL shares eight ways you can help your little one take care of their smile while they’re stuck at home.